The Smith County Owls and Lady Owls Soccer Alumni Game 2024

October 28, 2024

The Smith County High School Soccer programs came together for a Co-Ed Alumni Game on Saturday October 26.  The programs started in 2002 and 2003 and there were a few alumni from a decade back in attendance. Close to 25 former players showed up, not all to play, but most did take the pitch for a rousing full field game. 

While it was pretty evident that not everyone has stayed in game day shape, the skills and ideas looked to be clear and intentional like no time had passed.  Personality and smiles were abundant the entire time. Oh and if there are any doubts about it being too rough for the women to play with the men, you need to make your way to the Women’s games.  The former Lady Owls definitely held their own and then some. 

Unfortunately some events had been rescheduled for the same day due to the recent Hurricane, work schedules  and even some college players having a schedule conflict meant that there were quite a few who could not make it, and they were greatly missed.  However, this is now on the books as an annual October tradition and will remain Co-Ed until it is no longer possible, at which time there will be a Women’s game and a Men’s game.

Thank you Coach Kemp for putting this together, Coach Bussell and Kit Jenkins for standing in as the team coaches, the current Owls for officiating, Coach Lisa, The Lady Owls, the spectators, and of course the amazing Alumni.  This was a fun and much needed day of family!

(article and photo submitted by Vivian Schaffers)