Food for Thought: Snacking

November 10, 2020

By Mary Parker Draper, Extension Agent – Smith County

Everyone snacks, and those of us who are working from home may be snacking a little more than usual. Snacking doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Actually, snacks can help keep us full to prevent overeating at our next meal and provide energy during the afternoon slump or before exercising. There are many different foods we can choose as snacks and many places we can visit to pick up snacks such as grocery stores, convenience stores, and the drive-thru. Let’s take a look at a few ways we can make smart snack choices.

  1. Prepare Ahead of Time. You know you will want a snack. Pre-slice fruits and veggies. Have snacks ready for grab-and-go by having them pre-packaged or buying pre-packaged snacks like string cheese and granola bars. Whole fruits like bananas, apples, and oranges are also a great option!
  1. Control the Portion. Snacks aren’t meant to replace meals. Watch your portion sizes by reading the nutrition label and pre-portioning your snacks to keep you full until your next meal without overeating.
  1. Work in the Food Groups. Think of snacks as an extra way to get in all your food groups. Consider how you can add fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, and whole grains into your day.
  1. Pair with Protein or Heart Healthy Fats. Include a protein or heart healthy fat with each snack to help keep you fuller longer. Nuts and seeds, nut butters such as peanut butter, hummus, eggs, avocados, cheese, and yogurt are great foods to help with satiety!
  1. Satisfy the Crunch. Sometimes you want the crunch! Try raw fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, celery, and peppers. You may also like plain or lightly buttered popcorn or whole grain crackers.
  1. Find the Sweet Spot. We all occasionally get a sweet tooth! Fruit is a great option since it is naturally sweet! You might even enjoy a piece of dark chocolate, fruit smoothie, or trail mix with some chocolate mixed in.

There are unlimited options when it comes to snacking. The key is always moderation and balance, and using these tips can help you snack smart and feel good about your snack choices. Consider adding some of the recommended foods to your grocery list this week.

For more information on this or other Family and Consumer Sciences related topics, contact Mary Parker Draper, UT Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Agent in Smith County, at 615-735-2900.

Olive Dip

1 8 oz block Cream Cheese

1 cup Hellman’s Mayo

1 cup diced olives

Garlic Salt (to taste)

Mix all ingredients together. Serve with crackers and/or chips. Submitted by Linda Hensley, Beasley’s Bend FCE Club.