The holiday season is a time of spending joyful moments with family and friends, eating together, exchanging gifts, and playing holiday movies and games. However, it’s also a difficult time of the year to eat healthy, and many adults gain weight through the holiday season. Following these tips from the University of Tennessee Extension can help you avoid holiday weight gain while still enjoying the festivities.
“There are several simple habits that, if followed, can help us all avoid adding a few extra pounds through holiday meals,” says Soghra Jarvandi, UT Extension community health specialist. “The most important habit is to plan ahead and avoid skipping meals. It is harder to pay attention to portion sizes when we are hungry, so if we arrive at a party hungry, then we are more likely to eat more. Plan ahead and eat a healthy snack, such as fruit, a salad, or yogurt before heading to a gathering,” says the expert.
Jarvandi also suggests being physically active. “Burning the extra calories, we inevitably consume during the holidays can help. Incorporate physical activity in your schedule, whether it’s inside or outside, such as walking, dancing, or swimming,” she continues.
It’s also important to pay attention to your plate, says Jarvandi. “Choose a smaller plate to start with, as eating smaller servings can help curb caloric intake. For example, a one-fourth cup of stuffing has 59 calories, while a one-half cup of stuffing has 118 calories. That adds up.”
What’s on your plate is also important, so Jarvandi suggests filling your plate with a balanced selection of food groups: half vegetables and fruits, a quarter protein food (such as lean meat, beans and peas), and a quarter grain (such as bread, rice, pasta). Vegetables help you feel full and avoid overeating. Choosing fruit for dessert can help curb calories as well, but if a high-calorie dessert like cake is calling your name, eat a very small slice and eat mindfully.
Giving healthy snacks and foods as gifts is another way to make eating more manageable. Stuff stockings with healthy snacks, like nuts or dried fruit, and bring salads, fruit trays, or other light dishes to potlucks and family meals.
“As the Center for Disease Control suggests, healthy eating is all about balance and moderation, and that’s important to keep in mind during the holiday season,” concludes Jarvandi.
For additional help and programs specifically about healthy choices, contact Mary Parker Draper at the UT Extension office at 615-735-2900.
This makes a very pretty Christmas Punch.
3 boxes of Jell-O. You can use the flavor for the color you want.
2 cups of sugar
Bring 3 cups of water to boil, add Jell-O and sugar and stir until dissolved.
12 cups water
1 48 oz can pineapple juice
1 48 oz can pineapple orange juice
Juice of two lemons
Chill (best if chilled overnight).
Stir before serving.
You can add sherbet if you like.
Lemon Jell-O for yellow
Orange Jell-O for orange
Strawberry, Cherry Jell-O for red
Lime Jell-O for green
Submitted by: Judy Long, Gordonsville FCE Club