(Smith County Insider Press) Carthage, Tenn. – Around 1:20 pm on Sunday afternoon, September 25, Carthage Police Department received a report of black smoke coming from the Smith County Landfill.
As a CPD Officer arrived on scene, he discovered that a portion landfill was on fire. Smith County Dispatchers paged Central District Fire Department to the scene. Firefighters began spraying the fire with water and landfill employees began using bulldozers to push dirt over the fire to smother it. Landfill employees and the Central District Fire Department were able to control the blaze in less than an hour.
The Smith County Landfill caught on fire on Sunday afternoon, April 17, 2016. Click HERE to read full article.
The Landfill is located at 370 Kennedy Road in Carthage. The cause of the fire is still unknown.
Approximately 15 counties use the Smith County Landfill.